Apple Private Relay — Significantly Degrades Speed

After about a week of back and forth with Verizon FIOS, I determined I was not getting the contracted network speed due to the use of Apple Private Relay (Beta). I did some searching and discovered I am not the only one experiencing this issue.

With 300/300 Mpbs Verizon FIOS and Apple Private Relay enabled, the speeds were 95 Mpbs download and 61 Mpbs upload, and when disabled were 333 Mpbs download and 351 Mpbs upload.

Obviously, I see the value in Apple Private Relay, however, throughput needs to be much better to gain broad acceptance and adoption.

As of this post, I have Verizon FIOS' latest Router and WiFi Extender, a MacBook Pro (mid-2015), and an iPhone 13 Pro Max, which I conducted the tests with over about a week. I worked with Verizon's technical support and tested each step to isolate with Apple Private Relay enabled, network performance degrades substantially, and with it disabled achieved the contracted network speeds or better.


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