App Terminates when using Window and MenuBarExtra in SwiftUI

If you configure a Window and a MenuBarExtra in your app, try this:

  1. Open your app and press Command+H to hide it.
  2. Place an iPad or another Mac and connect two devices via Universal Control, and click on the other device to make your mac's menu bar inactive.
  3. Move your cursor back to your Mac(first device), and click on the whitespace of the Menu Bar.
  4. Your App is terminated unexpectedly.

This behavior will only appear on those apps using Window, so to solve this issue, we may need to switch Window to WindowGroup which is not what we want.

I reappear this issue on Apple's ScreenCaptureKit Sample Code. This is a SwiftUI Scene BUG, please fix this.

struct CaptureSampleApp: App {
    var body: some Scene {
        Window("ID", id: "ID") {
                .frame(minWidth: 960, minHeight: 724)
            "App Menu Bar Extra", systemImage: "star"
        ) {

Filed a feedback: FB11447959.