Xcode 14.0.1 crashes while idle

Very strange issue.

It seems that a specific project of mine causes Xcode to crash while idle due to resources issue.

Not sure if related, but when viewing source code differences of this project, the entire window is flickering like crazy...

crash file is attached (converted to txt file otherwise can't attach it)

Any ideas?

Same here. XCode 14.2. Crashes every 5 minutes or so, with no input.

Always: Crashed Thread: Dispatch queue: DVTSourceControlGitXPCClient :: Proxy Completion Queue

A workaround is to disable Source Control in settings. But defeats a major purpose of the editor.

same. constant crashing.

Crashed Thread: 15 Dispatch queue: DVTSourceControlGitXPCClient :: Proxy Completion Queue XCode without git is borderline meaningless. In general, XCode 14.2 is so unstable for me.

Have submitted report to Feedback Assistant but here is the crash that occurs.

It's possible that disabling source control in Xcode preferences, then reenabling it might of fixed this sporadic crash issue...

Disabling and enabling source control did not help. But when I made a small change in my code and committed it, the crashes were gone.

I am also experiencing this exact issue however this started to occur several versions prior to updating to 14.2. Has anyone found a solution aside from the workaround?

What worked for me was to commit every change directly from the Terminal.

I checked on the Terminal git status and found out there were some things that didn't make sense, that I had committed days ago with Xcode, but they were still showing as modified. Committing from the Terminal seemed to have fixed the issue; Xcode is not crashing anymore.

More details on this StackOverflow question

I have this exact Xcode crashing problem as well. In my case, I have a lot of security mechanisms blocking any unauthorized network activity. I had the choice of disabling functionality in Xcode, blindingly allowing the network activity to Github.com or completely blocking the network activity out to Github.com via Xcode. I chose to perform a network block on any automatic network activity to Github.com from Xcode until this bug is resolved with Crashed Thread: 15 Dispatch queue: DVTSourceControlGitXPCClient :: Proxy Completion Queue. Any Github.com activities can be done from the terminal any way, at least for my working purposes.

Since blocking all network activity from Xcode to github.com, Xcode has not crashed at all.

I had the same problem with Version 14.2 (14C18).

As suggested, in a previous post, "git status" (in terminal) revealed that one file was still marked as modified, although it had been comitted by Xcode.

This was the problem causing Xcode crash.

I was able to prevent the crash by unchecking the Fetch and refresh server status automatically in Xcode > Preferences > Source Control > General. (Not a game-stopper for me since I'm the only one using the remote server, and I do all of my committing and other git operations in a third-party GUI app).

I also tend to perpetually have locally modified files that I never commit, so the other answer wasn't an option for me.

In terminal...


% git status

I've been suddenly getting the same error in Xcode 14.3.1 (Intel, Ventura, Mac Mini):

System Integrity Protection: enabled

Crashed Thread:        14  Dispatch queue: DVTSourceControlGitXPCClient :: Proxy Completion Queue

Exception Type:        EXC_BAD_ACCESS (SIGBUS)
Exception Codes:       KERN_PROTECTION_FAILURE at 0x0000700005d84fe0
Exception Codes:       0x0000000000000002, 0x0000700005d84fe0

Xcode and git repository seemed to be somehow out of sync, and I had some odd phantom files that wouldn't go away until I did:

% git add -A

(This adds all modified and untracked files in the entire repository to the git staging area. Can be slow and might commit files you don't want committed. Doesn't stage ignored files.)

Then I was able to successfully commit the source changes from within Xcode.

No crashes after 3 hours so far, unlike every 10-30 minutes previously.

Xcode 14.0.1 crashes while idle