Each asset appears 4 times in asset catalog?

We're using PDFs for assets in a Mac app, using Xcode 14.1

The generated Assets.car file is very big, much larger than the total size of the .xcassets directory that contains all the source images (PDFs).

When examining the output of assetutil --info it looks like each of our PDF assets appears 4 times in the asset catalog:

  1. Scale=1 and Colorspace=srgb
  2. Scale=1 and Colorspace=extended srgb
  3. Scale=2 and Colorspace=srgb
  4. Scale=2 and Colorspace=extended srgb

How can we generate an asset catalog that contains only 1 copy of each asset?

(We're using asset catalogs in order to support dark mode, otherwise we could work around this issue by just using the PDFs as resources directly.)

Has anyone else run into this problem?
