SwiftUI MenuBarExtra not updating when State changes

hi is there any way to UPDATE dropdown content Text or do anything when "@State" changes ? cuz in normal SwiftUI views everything rerenders when "@State" changes expect this new "MenuBarExtra"

code in "label:" part will update when "@State" change but where I added "ControlView()" it does not :/

example code:

@State var secounds = 0

     @State var timerRunning = false

    let timer = Timer.publish(every: 1, on: .main, in: .common).autoconnect()

    var body: some Scene {

        MenuBarExtra {


        } label: {


                .onReceive(timer) { _ in







    func ControlView()->some View {

        Grid(horizontalSpacing: 12, verticalSpacing: 12) {

            GridRow {

                ZStack {

                    RoundedRectangle(cornerRadius: 12, style: .continuous)


                        .frame(height: 75)


                    Text("\(timerRunning ? "Pause" : "Play")")


                        .onTapGesture {








I've reported this bug and found a work around with an Apple dev. Don't use @State and instead use @EnvironmentObject.

I am seeing the same thing on Sonoma and the lastest version of Xcode. I have updated to using @EnvironmentObject and I do not see any updated in my UI.


SwiftUI MenuBarExtra not updating when State changes