Encryption result with iPhone 14 devices


I have code that uses SecKeyEncrypt to encrypt a string.

SecKeyEncrypt(publickeysi!, SecPadding.PKCS1, aString, aString.count, &messageEncrypted, &messageEncryptedSize)

This works across all devices, given identical source string, except the recently released iPhone 14 and Pro models. Simulator works across the board.

Is there any reason why these devices would result in a B64 encoded string along the lines of


where all other devices return an appropriate B64 string, such as


It appears that SecKeyEncrypt is deprecated in iOS 15 but I am struggling to find an appropriate alternative if that is even the issue.



Do you check the OSStatus return value of SecKeyEncrypt ?

Not able to since don't have access to iPhone14 device to debug.

Now trying SecKeyCreateEncryptedData(:,:,:,:) and pushing through TestFlight to test

Hi have you found out what's going on. I'm having the same issue.