How do I fix these issues for my segmented video files?

I'm using an .m3u8 file uploaded to Amazon Web Services for HLS streaming. When I create an HLS report for it, it shows that there are several must fix issues present.

I'm fairly new to validating and segmenting videos and such so I need to go by what's available in terms of documentation online but there's very little help or resources online that explain how to resolve these issues.

My current approach is using FFMpeg in order to encode videos and use mediafilesegmenter to divide them into .ts files and then use variantplaylistcreator to make a master playlist .m3u8 file. If someone could look at the attached image and tell me how I could possibly fix these problems with the tools I have then that would be very helpful.


Issues #1 & #3 are web server issues. Fixing them depends on what server you are using. AFAIK most players won't be bothered by these issues.

Issue #2 just means you will have somewhat poorer fast forward / rewind behavior. Again, I would expect most players to tolerate this.

Issue #4 will be tolerated by iOS/tvOS/macOS so long as you don't claim EXT-X-INDEPENDENT-SEGMENTS. It may be a little sluggish seeking around. Some players may have trouble with it,

I don't know how to fix #2 or #4 with FFMPEG.

  • Just an update on the validation_data: I've managed to resolve the I-frame playlist issue but the IDR frame issue still persists. I know you've mentioned that it's not a dealbreaker if that issue persists but I'd like to fix it for peace of mind. How do I make sure that the IDR is the first frame? Do I create it during transcoding/encoding?

  • I managed to resolve the I-frame playlist issue according to the new validation_data file:

    I know you've mentioned that the IDR issue isn't a gamebreaker but I'd still like to know how to resolve it for some peace of mind. How would I make sure that the video segments start with an IDR frame? Is the IDR frame something created during the transcoding/encoding stage?

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Thank you for the reply. Just an update on the issues as I've managed to resolve one of the them by adding an I-frame playlist .m3u8 file. However, there still persists the issue where video segments must start with an IDR frame. While you've mentioned that this isn't a gamebreaker, I would like to know how to solve this issue for some peace of mind. How would I make sure that the segments start with an IDR frame? Is this step supposed to happen during transcoding/encoding or during the segmentation?