HTTP Live Streaming

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Send audio and video over HTTP from an ordinary web server for playback on Mac, iOS, and tvOS devices using HTTP Live Streaming (HLS).

Posts under HTTP Live Streaming tag

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HLS Stream Stops and Fails to Restart on iOS
I'm working on an iOS app using JWPlayer to stream an HLS video. However, the stream stops and doesn't restart on both emulators and real devices. The output provides the following information: • transportType: HTTP Live Stream • mediaType: HTTP Live Stream • BundleID: • name: MEDIA_PLAYBACK_STALL • interfaceType: Wifi Additionally, the log shows: (16830): Media file not received in 21s Can anyone guide me on this issue?
Is this technical solution reasonable about WKWebView on Cross-domain issues ?
Is this technical solution reasonable about WKWebView on cross-domain issues ? Hi,all My project use WKWebView to load offline package, such as .html/.css/.js,and also request some resources from remote server to update pages. So there is a cross-domain problem with local file(file://***) and remote domain (https://***), is this following technical solution reasonable to fix this problem: 1. Create a custom URLSchemeHandler which conforms to WKURLSchemeHandler 2.Unify local file and remote domain request to https request 3. Hook WKWebView https request 4. Implement WKURLSchemeHandler delegate method (void)webView:(WKWebView *)webView startURLSchemeTask:(id)urlSchemeTask { NSURL *url = urlSchemeTask.request.URL; if ([url.pathExtension isEqualToString:@"html"]) { NSData *data = [[NSData alloc] initWithContentsOfFile:localFilePath]; NSMutableDictionary resHeader = [NSMutableDictionary new]; [resHeader setValue:@"" forKey:@"Access-Control-Allow-Origin"]; [resHeader setValue:@"charset=UTF-8" forKey:@"Content-Type"]; [resHeader setValue:@"text/html" forKey:@"Content-Type"]; NSHTTPURLResponse *response = [[NSHTTPURLResponse alloc] initWithURL:url statusCode:200 HTTPVersion:@"HTTP/1.1" headerFields:resHeader]; [urlSchemeTask didReceiveResponse:response]; [urlSchemeTask didReceiveData:data]; [urlSchemeTask didFinish]; } else { NSURLSession *defaultSession = [NSURLSession sharedSession]; NSURLSessionTask *dataTask = [defaultSession dataTaskWithRequest:urlSchemeTask.request completionHandler:^(NSData * _Nullable data, NSURLResponse * _Nullable response, NSError * _Nullable error) { [urlSchemeTask didReceiveResponse:response]; [urlSchemeTask didReceiveData:data]; [urlSchemeTask didFinish]; }]; [dataTask resume]; } } Is this technical solution reasonable? and is there any issues that I haven't considered? Sincerely, Looking forward to your reply
HLS CMAF/fMP4 CENC CBCS pattern encryption
Hello, I'm writing a program to create CMAF compliant HLS files, with encryption. I have a copy of ISO_IEC_23001-7_2023 to attempt to follow the spec. I am following the 1:9 pattern encryption using CBCS, so for every 16 bytes of encrypted NAL unit data (of type 1 and 5), there's 144 bytes of clear data. When testing my output in Safari with 'identity' keys Quickly Diagnosing Content Key and IV Issues, Safari will request the identity key from my test server and first few bytes of the CMAF renditions, but will not play and console gives away no clues to the error. I am setting the subsample bytesofclear/protected data in the senc boxes. What I'm not sure of, is whether HLS/Safari/iOS acknowledges the senc/saiz/saio boxes of the MP4. There are other third party packagers Bento4, who suggest that they do not: those clients ignore the explicit encryption layout metadata found in saio/saiz boxes, and instead rely purely on the video slice header size to determine the portions of the sample that is encrypted So now I'm fairly sure I need to decipher the video slice header size, and apply the protected blocks from that point on. My question is, is that all there is to it? And is there a better way to debug my output? mediastreamvalidator will only work against unencrypted variants (which I'm outputting okay). Thanks in advance!
Decode HLS livestream with VideoToolbox
Hi, I'm trying to decode a HLS livestream with VideoToolbox. The CMSampleBuffer is successfully created (OSStatus == noErr). When I enqueue the CMSampleBuffer to a AVSampleBufferDisplayLayer the view isn't displaying anything and the status of the AVSampleBufferDisplayLayer is 1 (rendering). When I use a VTDecompressionSession to convert the CMSampleBuffer to a CVPixelBuffer the VTDecompressionOutputCallback returns a -8969 (bad data error). What do I need to fix in my code? Do I incorrectly parse the data from the segment for the CMSampleBuffer? let segmentData = try await downloadSegment(from: segment.url) let (sps, pps, idr) = try parseH264FromTSSegment(tsData: segmentData) if self.formatDescription == nil { self.formatDescription = try CMFormatDescription(h264ParameterSets: [sps, pps]) } if let sampleBuffer = try createSampleBuffer(from: idr, segment: segment) { try self.decodeSampleBuffer(sampleBuffer) } func parseH264FromTSSegment(tsData: Data) throws -> (sps: Data, pps: Data, idr: Data) { let tsSize = 188 var pesData = Data() for i in stride(from: 0, to: tsData.count, by: tsSize) { let tsPacket = tsData.subdata(in: i..<min(i + tsSize, tsData.count)) guard let payload = extractPayloadFromTSPacket(tsPacket) else { continue } pesData.append(payload) } let nalUnits = parseNalUnits(from: pesData) var sps: Data? var pps: Data? var idr: Data? for nalUnit in nalUnits { guard let firstByte = nalUnit.first else { continue } let nalType = firstByte & 0x1F switch nalType { case 7: // SPS sps = nalUnit case 8: // PPS pps = nalUnit case 5: // IDR idr = nalUnit default: break } if sps != nil, pps != nil, idr != nil { break } } guard let validSPS = sps, let validPPS = pps, let validIDR = idr else { throw NSError() } return (validSPS, validPPS, validIDR) } func extractPayloadFromTSPacket(_ tsPacket: Data) -> Data? { let syncByte: UInt8 = 0x47 guard tsPacket.count == 188, tsPacket[0] == syncByte else { return nil } let payloadStart = (tsPacket[1] & 0x40) != 0 let adaptationFieldControl = (tsPacket[3] & 0x30) >> 4 var payloadOffset = 4 if adaptationFieldControl == 2 || adaptationFieldControl == 3 { let adaptationFieldLength = Int(tsPacket[4]) payloadOffset += 1 + adaptationFieldLength } guard adaptationFieldControl == 1 || adaptationFieldControl == 3 else { return nil } let payload = tsPacket.subdata(in: payloadOffset..<tsPacket.count) return payloadStart ? payload : nil } func parseNalUnits(from h264Data: Data) -> [Data] { let startCode = Data([0x00, 0x00, 0x00, 0x01]) var nalUnits: [Data] = [] var searchRange = h264Data.startIndex..<h264Data.endIndex while let range = h264Data.range(of: startCode, options: [], in: searchRange) { let nextStart = h264Data.range(of: startCode, options: [], in: range.upperBound..<h264Data.endIndex)?.lowerBound ?? h264Data.endIndex let nalUnit = h264Data.subdata(in: range.upperBound..<nextStart) nalUnits.append(nalUnit) searchRange = nextStart..<h264Data.endIndex } return nalUnits } private func createSampleBuffer(from data: Data, segment: HLSSegment) throws -> CMSampleBuffer? { var blockBuffer: CMBlockBuffer? let alignedData = UnsafeMutableRawPointer.allocate(byteCount: data.count, alignment: MemoryLayout<UInt8>.alignment) data.copyBytes(to: alignedData.assumingMemoryBound(to: UInt8.self), count: data.count) let blockStatus = CMBlockBufferCreateWithMemoryBlock( allocator: kCFAllocatorDefault, memoryBlock: alignedData, blockLength: data.count, blockAllocator: nil, customBlockSource: nil, offsetToData: 0, dataLength: data.count, flags: 0, blockBufferOut: &blockBuffer ) guard blockStatus == kCMBlockBufferNoErr, let validBlockBuffer = blockBuffer else { alignedData.deallocate() throw NSError() } var sampleBuffer: CMSampleBuffer? var timing = [calculateTiming(for: segment)] var sampleSizes = [data.count] let sampleStatus = CMSampleBufferCreate( allocator: kCFAllocatorDefault, dataBuffer: validBlockBuffer, dataReady: true, makeDataReadyCallback: nil, refcon: nil, formatDescription: formatDescription, sampleCount: 1, sampleTimingEntryCount: 1, sampleTimingArray: &timing, sampleSizeEntryCount: sampleSizes.count, sampleSizeArray: &sampleSizes, sampleBufferOut: &sampleBuffer ) guard sampleStatus == noErr else { alignedData.deallocate() throw NSError() } return sampleBuffer } private func decodeSampleBuffer(_ sampleBuffer: CMSampleBuffer) throws { guard let formatDescription = CMSampleBufferGetFormatDescription(sampleBuffer) else { throw NSError() } if decompressionSession == nil { try setupDecompressionSession(formatDescription: formatDescription) } guard let session = decompressionSession else { throw NSError() } let flags: VTDecodeFrameFlags = [._EnableAsynchronousDecompression, ._EnableTemporalProcessing] var flagOut = VTDecodeInfoFlags() let status = VTDecompressionSessionDecodeFrame( session, sampleBuffer: sampleBuffer, flags: flags, frameRefcon: nil, infoFlagsOut: nil) if status != noErr { throw NSError() } } private func setupDecompressionSession(formatDescription: CMFormatDescription) throws { self.formatDescription = formatDescription if let session = decompressionSession { VTDecompressionSessionInvalidate(session) self.decompressionSession = nil } var decompressionSession: VTDecompressionSession? var callback = VTDecompressionOutputCallbackRecord( decompressionOutputCallback: decompressionOutputCallback, decompressionOutputRefCon: Unmanaged.passUnretained(self).toOpaque()) let status = VTDecompressionSessionCreate( allocator: kCFAllocatorDefault, formatDescription: formatDescription, decoderSpecification: nil, imageBufferAttributes: nil, outputCallback: &callback, decompressionSessionOut: &decompressionSession ) if status != noErr { throw NSError() } self.decompressionSession = decompressionSession } let decompressionOutputCallback: VTDecompressionOutputCallback = { ( decompressionOutputRefCon, sourceFrameRefCon, status, infoFlags, imageBuffer, presentationTimeStamp, presentationDuration ) in guard status == noErr else { print("Callback: \(status)") return } if let imageBuffer = imageBuffer { } }
Our company application uses callkit for livestream but is not available in china which make Apple not to approve the app. can any one help with what i can do. The live stream is one of the key feature of the app. Or is it possible to restrict download from china
Best way to cache a inifinite scroll view of videos
Hi, Im working on a app with a infinite scrollable video similar to Tiktok or instagram reels. I initially thought it would be a good idea to cache videos in the file system but after reading this post it seems like it is not recommended to cache videos on the file system: The reason I am hesitant to cache videos to memory is because this will add up pretty quickly and increase memory pressure for my app. After seeing the amount of documents and data storage that instagram stores, its obvious they are caching videos on the file system. So I was wondering what is the updated best practice for caching for these kind of apps?
[AVPlayer][5G] The buffer duration (preferredForwardBufferDuration) configuration property of AVPlayerItem does not work on a 5G network
I tried configuring the preferredForwardBufferDuration on devices using 4G and Wi-Fi, and in these cases, AVPlayer works correctly according to the configured buffer duration. However, when the device is connected to a 5G network, the configuration value no longer works. For example, if I set preferredForwardBufferDuration to 30 seconds, AVPlayer preloads with a buffer of over 100 seconds. I’m not sure how to resolve this, as it’s causing issues with my system.
Nov ’24
Playback problem on AVPlayer with MPEGTS streams
We are experiencing an issue with our HLS MPEG-TS streams on Apple devices, where the AVPlayer in our iOS app and Safari jumps back to the start when the player automatically changes quality. This occurs despite the stream still indicating that it is live and there is no change in the seekbar. After testing our streams with the Apple HLS Validator, the only problem that occured was an "Measured peak bitrate compared to multivariant playlist declared value exceeds error tolerance"-Error. On Chrome and on our Android-App this playback bug does not happen. Has someone else experienced similar issues with the AVPlayer?
Nov ’24
Max HLS segment file size?
The media services used for HLS streaming in an AVPlayer seem to crash if your segments are too large. Anything over 20Mbps seems to cause a crash. I have tried adjusting the segment length to 1 second also and it didn't help. I am remuxing Dolby Vision and HDR video and want to avoid transcoding and losing any metadata. However the segments are too large. Is there a workaround for this? Otherwise it seems AVFoundation is not suited to high bitrate HLS and I should be using MPV or similar.
Nov ’24
AVPlayer HLS Restirect Stream Resulotion
Hello, we have HLS stream app and we use AVPlayer for HLS stream. We want to implement dynamic resulotion feature as user's selection. For example, if user want to watch only 1080p user has to watch only 1080p but we have tried to implement "preferredMaximumResolution" and "preferredPeakBitRate" parameters and but AVPlayer does not force it which means that setting preferredMaximumResolution= CGSize(width: 1920, height: 1080) player does not only force to play 1080p profile, player drops resulotion to 720p but we do not want 720p stream if user selected 1080p resulotion. Is there any method to force it even if stream stalls? Thank you in advance
Oct ’24
tvOS 18 playback issues on 4k
Observing 4K playback issues on tvOS 18. Encountering HTTP 416 (Range Not Satisfiable) errors when the player attempts to request byte ranges that are outside the available data on the server. This leads to fatal playback error resulting in the error CoreMediaErrorDomain error -12939 - HTTP 416: Requested Range Not Satisfiable Notably, there are no customizations or modifications to the standard AVPlayerViewController on tvOS player. AVPlayer is trying to request the resource of length equals 739 bytes with an invalid byte range (739-) request. Since the request is not satisfiable server returns with 416. Note this is only limited to tvOS 18 and we are trying to understand why AVPlayer is making this invalid request in tvOS 18 resulting in playback error.
Oct ’24
Spatial streaming from iPhone
Hi, I am trying to stream spatial video in realtime from my iPhone 16. I am able to record spatial video as a file output using: let videoDeviceOutput = AVCaptureMovieFileOutput() However, when I try to grab the raw sample buffer, it doesn't include any spatial information: let captureOutput = AVCaptureVideoDataOutput() //when init camera session.addOutput(captureOutput) captureOutput.setSampleBufferDelegate(self, queue: sessionQueue) //finally func captureOutput(_ output: AVCaptureOutput, didOutput sampleBuffer: CMSampleBuffer, from connection: AVCaptureConnection) { //use sample buffer (but no spatial data available here) } Is this how it's supposed to work or maybe I am missing something? this video: gives us a clue towards setting up spatial streaming and I've got the backend all ready for 3D HLS streaming. Now I am only stuck at how to send the video stream to my server.
Oct ’24
Glitch in AVPlayer while playing HLS videos
We have observed consistent glitches in video playback when using AVPlayer to stream HLS (HTTP Live Streaming) videos on iOS. The issue manifests as intermittent frame drops, stuttering, and playback instability during HLS streams. However, the same behavior is not present when playing MP4 videos using the same AVPlayer instance. The HLS streams being used follow standard encoding practices, and network conditions have been ruled out as a cause for this problem. Steps to Reproduce: 1. Load an HLS video into AVPlayer and initiate playback. 2. Observe intermittent glitches and stuttering during video playback. 3. Load and play an MP4 video in the same AVPlayer instance. 4. Notice that MP4 playback is smooth without any glitches.
Oct ’24
Streaming HLS from hotspot IoT device on iOS
Hi, Brief background on what I'm trying to achieve: I have an IoT device that produces a HLS stream of saved videos when they are accessed through the device's broadcast hotspot. To access the hotspot, I use an NEHotspotConfiguration. When I use AVPlayer to watch the HLS stream, everything is fine! When I use a media pod (VLC) to try to consume the HLS stream, traffic goes over cellular network even though the device's host address is I am under the impression this is ALWAYS a local network device. I haven't spent much time digging into the code for VLC to figure out why, but when I disable cell network in my app's settings, the VLC request resolves perfectly. I have been served radio silence on their forums and issues, so I thought if there's another solution this would be the place to ask! Is there something going on with the way iOS handles web requests to local network devices? My IoT device's hotspot never has internet access, and after reading Quinn's Extra-ordinary Networking advice (, I'm still lost for how I can force my request to go to the WiFi network rather than cellular... Does anyone have any recommendations? Thanks in advance!
Sep ’24
macOS Sonoma 'Cannot Decode' HLS Video
I use AVPlayer to play HLS video successfully on macOS Sonoma, but I encountered this error on macOS Sequoia. Please help me: Error Domain=AVFoundationErrorDomain Code=-11833 ‘Cannot Decode’ UserInfo={NSUnderlyingError=0x600001e57330 {Error Domain=CoreMediaErrorDomain Code=-12906 ‘(null)’}, NSLocalizedFailureReason=The decoder required for this media cannot be found., AVErrorMediaTypeKey=vide, NSLocalizedDescription=Cannot Decode} Thanks!
Oct ’24
Issue with Low-Latency HLS Playback Using AVAssetResourceLoaderDelegate
Hi, I am writing to seek any help or workaround regarding an issue I have encountered while implementing Low-Latency HLS playback using the AVAssetResourceLoaderDelegate. I have been successfully loading playlists during HLS live playback using the AVAssetResourceLoaderDelegate. However, after introducing Low-Latency HLS, I have run into a problem. When the AVPlayer loads low-latency content playback natively, everything works fine. But when I use the delegate for loading, I encounter the following error from AVPlayer's status observer: CoreMediaErrorDomain -15410 Low Latency: Server must support http2 ECN and SACK It seems there is no problem since playback does not stop, but there is a very critical part missing. The playback does not achieve the expected low latency and behaves similarly to standard HLS. Additionally, this behavior only occurs on iOS 16 devices and simulators. On iOS 17 simulators and devices, the error message does not appear, and the latency remains low as expected. Therefore, I suspect that there might be some misjudgment in the verification process within the internal implementation of AVPlayer. Since our app needs to support iOS 16, I would appreciate any solutions, methods to try, or workarounds that you could share regarding this issue. Thank you.
Oct ’24