device: iPhone 8 Plus
Xcode: Version 14.2 (14C18)
Attempting to set up an AR session to allow a background high resolution frame capture using the new ARKit feature in IOS 16.2.
My test code (following recommendations in WWDC video on this subject) is
if #available(iOS 16.0, *) {
if let videoCapFormat = ARWorldTrackingConfiguration.recommendedVideoFormatForHighResolutionFrameCapturing {
print("Format = (videoCapFormat)")
} else {
print("Format not found")
In this case, videoCapFormat is populated with nil. Should I assume that indicates that no video format for my device will support this capture. If so, as a follow on question, which devices do support this type of background high res capture?
Should I assume that indicates that no video format for my device will support this capture.
Correct, if this returns nil, it means there is no video format in the supportedVideoFormats array (of a particular ARConfiguration subclass, on the particular device that is running) where isRecommendedForHighResolutionFrameCapturing is true.
which devices do support this type of background high res capture?
I don't have a full list of devices to provide, I can say that this call returned a format on my iPhone 14 Pro.