App email

In this post, I want to ask and explain a situation that all of us iPhone users also find ourselves in every day.
In Email app, original of IOS, why the attachments are at the end of the email? No one has ever thought that if we have an email with a very large email thread, the signature to see what files are attached is only by scrolling down to the end of the whole post to view what is there? Nobody has thought of anchoring them at the beginning of the message as android does? It is unbelievable. !! An example would be to be able to click on the "clip" of attachments that appears in the email and a drop down menu with several options and one of them is to view the attachments, or download them, or save them or share them etc. without having to go down to the end of the entire chain of emails!



Not a question for the developers forum. Much more for bug report for suggestion of improvement.

Thanks, where can I find that improvement portal and give you my opinion if I re this?