Is it ok to present a screen when tabbar item is clicked?

Our UX designer came with a strange requirement. When the user clicks the "Search" tab bar item, we need to present the search screen on top of currently selected screen. Please find the attachments. I was able to create this behaviour by using tabbarcontroller delegate methods. But during the app review, will it cause any problem as we are changing the default tab bar behaviour. Please find the attachments for a better idea.


Please, reduce the size of the images you post, it is really hard to display.

Much smaller will give the same information.

That should not cause issue during review. But more with users as it is a strange design: you don't get the tabItems anymore in the search view. How do you get back ?

Is it UIKit (as tags tell) or SwiftUI ?

If you really want to do this design, why use a TabBar ?

  • Just create 3 buttons at the bottom
  • each segue to the nextView
  • set the transition mode to automatic, and you'll get the desired effect.