NetworkExtension,VPN 设置应用app白名单时不生效

My purpose is that after I connect to the VPN, my application request traffic does not go through the VPN service channel, and other apps or browsers request the VPN service

My Settings are as follows 1: Configure config when creating NETunnelProviderManager

NETunnelProviderProtocol *protocol = [[NETunnelProviderProtocol alloc] init];
NEProxySettings *proxySetting = [[NEProxySettings alloc] init];
proxySetting.excludeSimpleHostnames = YES;
proxySetting.autoProxyConfigurationEnabled = NO;
proxySetting.proxyAutoConfigurationURL = nil;
proxySetting.autoProxyConfigurationEnabled = NO;
proxySetting.HTTPSEnabled = YES;
proxySetting.HTTPEnabled = YES;
proxySetting.exceptionList = @[@"com.object_1", @"com.object_1.PacketTunnel"];
protocol.proxySettings = proxySetting;
protocol.proxySettings = proxySetting;
[NETunnelProviderManager new].protocolConfiguration = protocol

2: Go to the network Settings in the extended callback

- (void)openVPNAdapter:(OpenVPNAdapter *)openVPNAdapter  configureTunnelWithNetworkSettings:(NEPacketTunnelNetworkSettings *)networkSettings completionHandler:(void (^)(id< OpenVPNAdapterPacketFlow>  _Nullable))completionHandler {
__weak __typeof(self) weak_self = self; // Try to filter networkExtension
NEProxySettings *proxySetting = [[NEProxySettings alloc] init];
proxySetting.autoProxyConfigurationEnabled = NO;
proxySetting.HTTPEnabled = YES;
proxySetting.HTTPSEnabled = YES;
proxySetting.excludeSimpleHostnames = YES;
proxySetting.exceptionList = @[@"com.object_1", @"com.object_1.PacketTunnel"];
networkSettings.proxySettings = proxySetting;
[self setTunnelNetworkSettings:networkSettings completionHandler:^(NSError * _Nullable error) {
if(! error){


Neither of these Settings is working as intended Verification method: Check whether the IP addresses before and after the VPN connection are the same. If the IP addresses are the same, the VPN service traffic is filtered out