Unknown class in Interface Builder file


I've got some problem on launching my app, it just only happen on real device with iOS 14.0.1, and works well on the other versions of iOS

here is some of the error from the device log.

Mar 14 11:52:48 NC-1647 splashboardd(UIKitCore)[646] <Error>: Unknown class _TtC7MYAPP20NavigationController in Interface Builder file.
 Mar 14 11:52:48 NC-1647 splashboardd(UIKitCore)[646] <Error>: Unknown class _TtC7MYAPP8LogoViewController in Interface Builder file.

Does anyone have suggestions for this problem?


You should look in InterfaceBuilder (identity Inspector): what are the class of each controller you have. Check for misspell as upper/lowercase.

If that's not OK, correct it. If OK, remove the class name in the inspector and put it back again.

And do a Clean Build Folder.

See another case here: https://developer.apple.com/forums/thread/122947

  • Thank you for your suggestion. The spelling are ok. Then I tried the method from you and the case links, but the issue happens again.

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