No approval for User-Assigned Device Name


I'm responsible for several apps within my company. We tried to apply for the user-assigned device name entitlement, but again we didn't get the approval:

"Thank you for your interest in the user-assigned device name entitlement. We are unable to approve your request at this time."

We use in our app the bluetooth connect and want to show the user in the vehicles the device name. Currently it's just "iPhone".

Does somebody know how I can contact Apple to fix this?

I chose this answers:

Will your app display the user assigned device name to the user? No

Will your app use the device name solely for functionality in a way that the user can easily see and understand? Yes

Will your app functionality support interaction between multiple devices operated by the same user? Yes

Will your app share the device name with any service providers or third parties other than a cloud hosting service provider? No

Would be great to get any feedback with this.

Thanks a lot.

One more hint: We do not show the Device Name in our App. We only have the issue, when connecting to the head-unit of cars.

I've been having the same problem, no luck getting approved. However in your case I think you have a mistake, if you look at the requirements here ( it says that you must display the device name to the user in your App's UI.

No one answers. DTS doesn't know.

Seriously, it's time to write the CEO. They do answer emails.

No approval for User-Assigned Device Name