C++14 integer literal separator causes AppleClang error

On AppleClang 14.0.0, this code...

#include <iostream>

#define EXPECT_EQ(x, y)

int main() {
	const int foo = 6'765;
	std::cout << foo << '\n';
	EXPECT_EQ(6'765, 6'765);

...causes a compile error:

test/src/main.cpp:8:19: warning: missing terminating ' character [-Winvalid-pp-token]
        const int foo = 6'765;
test/src/main.cpp:8:19: error: expected ';' at end of declaration
        const int foo = 6'765;
test/src/main.cpp:10:24: error: too few arguments provided to function-like macro invocation
        EXPECT_EQ(6'765, 6'765);
test/src/main.cpp:5:9: note: macro 'EXPECT_EQ' defined here
#define EXPECT_EQ(x, y)
test/src/main.cpp:10:2: error: use of undeclared identifier 'EXPECT_EQ'
        EXPECT_EQ(6'765, 6'765);

With clang-16 out, clang-format now supports IntegerLiteralSeparator, which actively adds these digit separators on a codebase: https://clang.llvm.org/docs/ClangFormatStyleOptions.html#integerliteralseparator

By the way, according to cppreference.com, AppleClang should be supporting this: https://en.cppreference.com/w/cpp/compiler_support/14

Is this issue just for me, or does AppleClang really not work with these integer literal separators at the moment?

Accepted Reply

Never mind, I realized I hadn't set the C++ standard version on my CMake build. I guess AppleClang builds with C++98 by default. After setting the C++ standard version, the build worked as expected.


Never mind, I realized I hadn't set the C++ standard version on my CMake build. I guess AppleClang builds with C++98 by default. After setting the C++ standard version, the build worked as expected.