Unknown GPUDebug message started showing up in Xcode 14.3 condole.

I just upgraded to Xcode 14.3.

I have started seeing the following debug message show up in my console and I am not sure why.

[GPUDebug] Null texture access executing kernel function "ColorCorrection" encoder: "Keyframing.SurfaceWarpFuser.InverseWarpKeyframe", dispatch: 2

It seems Metal related, but I am very confused by it. My project uses a very minimal amount of Metal. Only to get depth data from ARKit and to draw points, and I definitely do NOT have any kernel functions named ColorCorrection or an encoder named "Keyframing.SurfaceWarpFuser.InverseWarpKeyframe"

I haven't changed any of my metal code, so I don't know if this is something bigger I should be concerned about.




Just to add one thing.

It is really tough to debug this, because every time I try to use the Metal Debugger to capture the frame state my app crashes and I get the following message:

[GPUDebug] Null texture access executing kernel function "ColorCorrection" encoder: "Keyframing.SurfaceWarpFuser.InverseWarpKeyframe", dispatch: 2 Message from debugger: Terminated due to signal 9

Do you already have Shader Validation enabled in the Xcode scheme? You can try to set a shader validation breakpoint. More information is available here: https://developer.apple.com/documentation/metal/diagnosing_metal_programming_issues_early?language=objc

If it looks like it is an issue in ARKit or outside of your own code, we would appreciate filling a feedback assistant report with a reproducing sample.

Yes... I have shader validation enabled. Did a little more digging. too. It seems to be being caused by a Compute function I am using (non-graphic rendering), which would seem to added to your theory it is an issue outside of my code. I will fill out report.


Just to add. I have turned off all my shaders and Kernels. So when draw() fires nothing happens in my app.

And I still see the error pop up in my console.

I have added a report to Feedback Assistant.