NavigationSplitView hide sidebar toggle button

I'm trying to implement the same UI used by the Settings app on iPad: a split view with two columns that are visible at all times.

This code produces the layout i want, but I would like to hide the "toggle sidebar visibility" button that the system introduces.

Is there a SwiftUI API I can use to hide this button? Maybe an alternate way to setup views that tells the system that the button is not necessary?

struct SomeView: View {
  var body: some View {
      columnVisibility: .constant(.all),
      sidebar: { Text("sidebar") },
      detail: { Text("detail") }

You can use the toolbar(_:for:) modifier on your sidebar view like this: .toolbar(.hidden, for: .navigationBar). You can find details in the documentation here.

Here's the resulting view:

struct SomeView: View {
  var body: some View {
      columnVisibility: .constant(.all),
      sidebar: { 
               .toolbar(.hidden, for: .navigationBar)
      detail: { Text("detail") }

The first argument sets the visibility, and the second arguments specifies which bar to hide (which in your case is .navigationBar).

I'm a newbie in SwiftUI development, but I had the same question for my macOS application.

The answer I've found seems a little bit ugly, but using SwiftUI-Introspect library you can just remove corresponding toolbar item. Maybe it will be helpful for someone.

        .introspect(.window, on: .macOS(.v10_15, .v11, .v12, .v13, .v14)) { nsWindow in
            if let toolbar = nsWindow.toolbar {
                if let index = toolbar.items.firstIndex(where: { $0.itemIdentifier.rawValue == "" }) {
                    toolbar.removeItem(at: index)

.toolbar(removing: .sidebarToggle) ?

Quoting Apple: "On some platforms, NavigationSplitView adds a sidebarToggle toolbar item. Use the toolbar(removing:) modifier to remove the default item."

More on that her:

(Requires iOS 17.0+ / macOS 14.0+)

NavigationSplitView hide sidebar toggle button