403 Error using userToken generated by MusicKit

I'm developing a flutter app and using https://pub.dev/packages/music_kit to leverage MusicKit to handle the initial user permission request and generating the userToken. I then need to make requests to the Apple Music API from my server through a background task to retrieve the user's heavy rotation information which is used to recommend events.

The initial authorization works as expected and generates a developer token and user token, but when I use the developer token and user token in a get request to https://api.music.apple.com/v1/me/storefront it returns a 403 error "Invalid authentication". I can't seem to figure out what's causing this as I'm using the user token generated from MusicKit, I also test the developer token and it works on non-user specific api end points, so it's a correct developer token.

Are user tokens generated by the MusicKit swift code only able to be used in MusicKit calls in the app?

Also when making a status request through MusicKit I get "MusicAuthorizationStatus.authorized(musicUserToken: null)" which seems strange as I would assume the token that's returned would be included in the status if it's including the parameter musicUserToken.

The account being connected is on a 1 month free trial at the moment if that makes a difference.