Does `TipKit` not available right now?

I want to try the new TipKit features but when I import it from project, Xcode told me that No such module 'TipKit' and I also try the following code to create a tip directly but it doesn't work and Xcode shows Cannot find type 'Tip'. What can I do to use the new feature?

// MARK: Tips define here.
struct bookmarkTip: Tip {
Answered by alexander216 in 760731022

As confirmed by an Apple engineer on the other post, Tip Kit is now finally available starting with Xcode Beta 5!

Check out the Xcode release notes for more information and known issues.

Seems like the Framework isn’t included in beta 1 and will be available at a later point:

As confirmed by an Apple engineer on the other post, Tip Kit is now finally available starting with Xcode Beta 5!

Check out the Xcode release notes for more information and known issues.

Does `TipKit` not available right now?