Accessing Global Variables on Apple Silicon

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I was helping a developer with a gnarly issue today and, as part of that, I had to explain how Apple silicon code accesses global variables. I’ve done this a few times now, so I figured I might as well write it up for all.

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Quinn “The Eskimo!” @ Developer Technical Support @ Apple
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Accessing Global Variables on Apple Silicon

Consider the -[WKWebView navigationDelegate getter method. The code for that is available in Darwin:

691 - (id <WKNavigationDelegate>)navigationDelegate
692 {
693     return _navigationState->navigationDelegate().autorelease();
694 }

This reads the _navigationState ivar, whose value is a C++ object pointer of type NavigationState, and calls the navigationDelegate() method on it. Finally, it calls the autorelease() method on the result.

Disassembling this on Intel you see this:

(lldb) disas -f
WebKit`-[WKWebView navigationDelegate]:
-> … <+0>:  pushq  %rbp
   … <+1>:  movq   %rsp, %rbp
   … <+4>:  pushq  %rbx
   … <+5>:  pushq  %rax
   … <+6>:  movq   0x875bd2(%rip), %rax      ; WKWebView._navigationState
   … <+13>: movq   (%rdi,%rax), %rsi
   … <+17>: leaq   -0x10(%rbp), %rbx
   … <+21>: movq   %rbx, %rdi
   … <+24>: callq  0x10adce41c               ; WebKit::NavigationState::navigationDelegate()
   … <+29>: movq   (%rbx), %rdi
   … <+32>: callq  0x10b37398e               ; symbol stub for: CFMakeCollectable
   … <+37>: movq   %rax, %rdi
   … <+40>: callq  0x10b37ac0c               ; symbol stub for: objc_autorelease
   … <+45>: addq   $0x8, %rsp
   … <+49>: popq   %rbx
   … <+50>: popq   %rbp
   … <+51>: retq

The code starting at +29 is the autorelease() stuff, so ignore that. Rather, focus on the code from +6 through to +24:

  • At +6 it reads the WKWebView._navigationState global variable. The Objective-C runtime sets this up to be the offset from the start of the object to the _navigationState ivar.

  • At +13 it reads the ivar itself.

  • The remaining instructions set up the call to navigationDelegate().

The instruction at +6 is a PC-relative read (rip is the PC). This is well supported on 64-bit Intel [1], so it’s only one instruction.

Now consider this same disassembly on Apple silicon:

(lldb) disas -f
WebKit`-[WKWebView navigationDelegate]:
-> … <+0>:  sub    sp, sp, #0x20
   … <+4>:  stp    x29, x30, [sp, #0x10]
   … <+8>:  add    x29, sp, #0x10
   … <+12>: adrp   x8, 2127
   … <+16>: ldrsw  x8, [x8, #0xc24]
   … <+20>: ldr    x0, [x0, x8]
   … <+24>: add    x8, sp, #0x8
   … <+28>: bl     0x10523b620               ; WebKit::NavigationState::navigationDelegate()
   … <+32>: ldr    x0, [sp, #0x8]
   … <+36>: bl     0x1057a9d8c               ; symbol stub for: CFMakeCollectable
   … <+40>: bl     0x1057b8270               ; symbol stub for: objc_autorelease
   … <+44>: ldp    x29, x30, [sp, #0x10]
   … <+48>: add    sp, sp, #0x20
   … <+52>: ret    

Again, the stuff from +32 onwards is uninteresting. The instructions of interest run from +12 to +28. Specifically, the two instructions at +12 and +16 represent a PC-relative read.

This requires two instructions because Apple silicon instructions are of a fixed width. There’s not enough space in a 32-bit instruction to encode a large PC-relative offset. Rather, it has to be split across two instructions.

The most interesting instruction is the one at +12, adrp. I’m not sure what this mnemonic is officially, but I always think of it as add relative to page. The instruction:

  1. Takes an immediate value

  2. Shifts it left by 12 bits

  3. Adds it to the PC

  4. Masks off the bottom 12-bits

  5. Puts that in the target register

The instruction after the adrp can vary. In this case the goal is to load an int from a PC-relative address, so it’s a load instruction, ldrsw. This specific syntax uses an immediate offset from a base register. This offset ‘fills in’ the bits ‘missing’ in the address calculated by the preceding adrp instruction.

Now, let’s say that the adrp instruction was at PC 0x1051665c4. Here’s how you calculate the value it generates:

(lldb) p/x ((0x1051665c4+(2127<<12))&~0x0fff)
(long) $10 = 0x00000001059b5000

Now add the immediate from the ldrsw to calculate the address used by that instruction:

(lldb) p/a 0x00000001059b5000+0xc24
(long) $11 = 0x00000001059b5c24 WebKit`WKWebView._navigationState

Finally, load an int value from that address:

(lldb) p *(int *)0x00000001059b5c24
(int) $13 = 400

And so the value of the WKWebView._navigationState global variable, which is the offset of the _navigationState ivar within the WKWebView object, is 400. And on with the debugging!

[1] Notably, it was very poorly supported on 32-bit Intel, but fortunately we don’t care about that any more.

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