Reality View 3d objects behind physical objects

I have been playing with RealityKit and ARKit. One thing I am not able to figure out is if it's possible to actually place an object, say on a floor behind a couch and not be able to see it if viewing the area it was place from the other side of the couch.

If thats confusing I apologize. Basically I want to "hide" objects in a closet or behind other physical objects.

Are we just not there yet with this stuff? Or is there a particular way to do it I am missing?

It just seems odd when I place an object then I see it "on top" of the couch from the other side.

Thanks! Brandon

I don't know, but I would look into using the SceneReconstructionProvider in combination with the OcclusionMaterial.

Great thanks the feedback. I am not sure why it took so long for me to get this notification about your reply but I will look into it.

Thanks again, Brandon

Reality View 3d objects behind physical objects