I have a question about App Store Server API - Get Transaction Info.

As verifyReceipt has been deprecated this time, I am trying to verify the receipt using Get Transaction History Endpoint.

Apparently, Apple's official document says it will return the value for a single transaction if you request it to the endpoint, but it keeps returning the value by combining all the information about different Transaction IDs. If there are developers who know about this, please answer.

Also, please let me know if anyone knows how to verify the receipt using this endpoint.

Accepted Reply

Could you please provide more information about "combining all the information about different Transaction IDs". Also, for information about migrating away from App Receipts, I recommend watching https://developer.apple.com/videos/play/wwdc2023/10143/?time=1000

  • I enjoyed the video you told me. Thank you very much. But I have one question.

    When I made a request using Get Transaction History Endpoint, I received a single Transaction ID as a parameter, so of course I knew JWT corresponding to that Transaction ID. However, I made a request by entering the Transaction ID 'A' as a parameter, but the JWT returned also contains information corresponding to the Transaction ID that was not entered as a parameter such as 'B' or 'C'. Why did you do that?

  • And when users pay for Consumable and Subscription products for the first time, is there no problem to verify them using Get Transaction Info Endpoint rather than Get Transaction History Endpoint??

  • I enjoyed the video you told me. Thank you very much. But I have one question.

    When I made a request using Get Transaction History Endpoint, I received a single Transaction ID as a parameter, so of course I knew JWT corresponding to that Transaction ID. However, I made a request by entering the Transaction ID 'A' as a parameter, but the JWT returned also contains information corresponding to the Transaction ID that was not entered as a parameter such as 'B' or 'C'. Why did you do that?


Could you please provide more information about "combining all the information about different Transaction IDs". Also, for information about migrating away from App Receipts, I recommend watching https://developer.apple.com/videos/play/wwdc2023/10143/?time=1000

  • I enjoyed the video you told me. Thank you very much. But I have one question.

    When I made a request using Get Transaction History Endpoint, I received a single Transaction ID as a parameter, so of course I knew JWT corresponding to that Transaction ID. However, I made a request by entering the Transaction ID 'A' as a parameter, but the JWT returned also contains information corresponding to the Transaction ID that was not entered as a parameter such as 'B' or 'C'. Why did you do that?

  • And when users pay for Consumable and Subscription products for the first time, is there no problem to verify them using Get Transaction Info Endpoint rather than Get Transaction History Endpoint??

  • I enjoyed the video you told me. Thank you very much. But I have one question.

    When I made a request using Get Transaction History Endpoint, I received a single Transaction ID as a parameter, so of course I knew JWT corresponding to that Transaction ID. However, I made a request by entering the Transaction ID 'A' as a parameter, but the JWT returned also contains information corresponding to the Transaction ID that was not entered as a parameter such as 'B' or 'C'. Why did you do that?