Great job on the IOS17/Xcode15 version of RoomPlan... except

I was happy to see the improvements in the Capture Side of RoomPlan, particularly the Polygon handling for the walls. Unfortunately, the Walls with 5 Vertices (Great Room Ceilings, Garage exteriors, etc) are projected in the viewers as having 4 Vertices and the top edge of the wall is projected upwards to the highest point between the two vertices leading to the peak. I am presuming that from this manifestation there must be some presumed 4-ness of all walls that leads to use of the Extent of the uppermost point rather than a projection of the lines to the point where the lines meet at the top. What viewer can be used that properly handles this misrepresentation of the imagery? I have imagery but your download only accepts pure files and will not take a USDZ file even retyped as TXT files

  • If your products output USDZ and you want to support them properly, you should probably add that file type to the supported ones for your file transfers

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