Getting incorrect force values on first touch - iPad Pro M2 / Apple Pencil 2


I am writing a drawing app for iPad and Apple Pencil. Since today I am getting weird readings from my Apple Pencil. The first 2-6 touches the UITouch event gives me a 0.33333333 force reading. After these first UITouches it continues reading correctly.

It's very inconsistent between Pencil touches. It was working correctly earlier today. I thought I might have changed something in my code to cause it, but I reverted it to a prior state and it still kept happening.

With the 0.333333 at the start I don't know what causes it, or if its a device problem. I tested with two pencils already.

Here is some of my code

//  StrokeGestureRecognizer.swift
//  Animate3D
//  Created by Georg Graf on 07.07.23.

import UIKit

class StrokeGestureRecognizer: UIGestureRecognizer {
    // MARK: - Configuration
    var collectsCoalescedTouches = true
    var usesPredictedSamples = true
    var coordinateSpaceView: UIView?
    var ensuredReferenceView: UIView {
        if let view = coordinateSpaceView {
            return view
        } else {
            return view!
    /// A Boolean value that determines whether the gesture recognizer tracks Apple Pencil or finger touches.
    /// - Tag: isForPencil
    var isForPencil: Bool = true {
        didSet {
            if isForPencil {
                allowedTouchTypes = [UITouch.TouchType.pencil.rawValue as NSNumber]
            } else {
                allowedTouchTypes = [ as NSNumber]
    // MARK: - State
    var trackedTouch: UITouch?
    var collectForce = true
    var stroke = Stroke()
    // MARK: - Line data collection

    /// Appends touch data to the stroke sample.
    /// - Tag: appendTouches
    func append(touches: Set<UITouch>, event: UIEvent?) -> Bool {
        // Check that we have a touch to append, and that touches
        // doesn't contain it.
        guard let touchToAppend = trackedTouch, touches.contains(touchToAppend) == true
        else { return false }

        if collectsCoalescedTouches {
            if let event = event {
                let coalescedTouches = event.coalescedTouches(for: touchToAppend)!
                let lastIndex = coalescedTouches.count - 1
                for index in 0..<lastIndex {
                    let location = coalescedTouches[index].preciseLocation(in: ensuredReferenceView)
                    stroke.saveStrokeSample(coordinates: location, force: getForceRatio(touch: coalescedTouches[index]))


                let location = coalescedTouches[lastIndex].preciseLocation(in: ensuredReferenceView)
                stroke.saveStrokeSample(coordinates: location, force: getForceRatio(touch: coalescedTouches[lastIndex]))
        } else {
            let location = touchToAppend.preciseLocation(in: ensuredReferenceView)
            stroke.saveStrokeSample(coordinates: location, force: getForceRatio(touch: touchToAppend))

        if usesPredictedSamples && stroke.state == .active {
            if let predictedTouches = event?.predictedTouches(for: touchToAppend) {
                for touch in predictedTouches {
                    // do nothing for now

        return true
    private func getForceRatio(touch: UITouch) -> CGFloat {
        print("touch.force: \(touch.force), maxPossible: \(touch.maximumPossibleForce)")
        return touch.force / touch.maximumPossibleForce
    // MARK: - Touch handling methods

    /// A set of functions that track touches.
    /// - Tag: HandleTouches
    override func touchesBegan(_ touches: Set<UITouch>, with event: UIEvent?) {
        stroke = Stroke()

        if trackedTouch == nil {
            trackedTouch = touches.first
            collectForce = trackedTouch!.type == .pencil
            // || view?.traitCollection.forceTouchCapability == .available
            print("collectForce: \(collectForce)")
        if append(touches: touches, event: event) {
            if isForPencil {
                state = .began

    override func touchesMoved(_ touches: Set<UITouch>, with event: UIEvent?) {
        if append(touches: touches, event: event) {
            if state == .began {
                state = .changed
    override func touchesEnded(_ touches: Set<UITouch>, with event: UIEvent?) {
        if append(touches: touches, event: event) {
            stroke.state = .done
            state = .ended
    override func touchesCancelled(_ touches: Set<UITouch>, with event: UIEvent?) {

        if append(touches: touches, event: event) {
            stroke.state = .cancelled
            state = .failed
    override func reset() {
        AppState.shared.currentLine = nil
        trackedTouch = nil

Getting incorrect force values on first touch - iPad Pro M2 / Apple Pencil 2