Exported .usdz scenes are not compatible with common tools

If you have a scene with a simple custom .usda material applied to a primitive like a cube, the exported (.usdz) material definition is unknown for tools like Reality Converter Version 1.0 (53) or Blender Version 3.6.1.

Reality Converter shows up some warnings "Missing references in USD file", "Invalid USD shader node in USD file".

Even Reality Composer Pro is unable to recreate the material correct with it's own exported .usdz files.

Feedback: FB12699421

I have used this custom MaterialXPreviewSurface with golden color (hex: #ffe29b), metallic 1.0, roughness 0.1 and the attached normal texture file:

I received the following answer from Apple-Feedback.

Reality Converter currently does not support MaterialX in USDZ files. Here is a page detailing our current feature support: https://developer.apple.com/documentation/realitykit/validating-usd-files

While Blender supports USDZ files, it currently does not support MaterialX. This potentially new Blender feature is being tracked here: https://projects.blender.org/blender/blender/issues/100894.

Currently with Reality Composer Pro, in order for an export to USDZ to include all necessary references (including textures), one must make use of an RCP project, rather than just open up a standalone USDA file. The latter will result in the exporting of a USDZ with only a USDC inside of it.

But Reality Composer Pro can't recognize the materials exported from Blender in USDZ files. Do you know how to solve it?

Exported .usdz scenes are not compatible with common tools