About metersPerUnit in USDZ

Hi, I watched the WWDC23 session video, "Create 3D models for Quick Look spatial experiences." https://developer.apple.com/videos/play/wwdc2023/10274/

In the video, I understood that the scale of models displayed using visionOS's AR Quick Look is determined by referencing the "metersPerUnit" value in USDZ files. I tried to find tools to set the "metersPerUnit" in 3D software or tools to view the "metersPerUnit" in USDZ files, but I couldn't find any. I believe adjusting the "metersPerUnit" in USDZ is crucial to achieve real-world scale when displaying models through visionOS's AR Quick Look. If anyone knows of apps or tools that can reference USDZ's "metersPerUnit" or 3D editor apps or tools that allow exporting with the "metersPerUnit" value properly reflected, I would greatly appreciate the information.

Best regards.

Sadao Tokuyama

