Third-party SDK's privacy report are not shown when 'Generate Privacy Report' button tapped.

In Xcode 15, when performing an Archive build and clicking the 'Generate Privacy Report' button, it is believed that the app creates a PrivacyReport PDF file by inspecting the PrivacyInfo.xcprivacy file used by the Third-party SDKs within the app. However, upon testing, it appears that only the PrivacyInfo.xcprivacy file from the app itself is included in the generated PDF, and the PrivacyInfo.xcprivacy file from Third-party SDKs is not being included.

For example, I placed the PrivacyInfo.xcprivacy file inside the 'MyFramework' project and created an xcframework with it.

Then, I added MyFramework.xcframework into the TestApp and clicked the 'Generate Privacy Report' button after an Archive build, I encountered an error saying, 'The archive does not contain any PrivacyInfo.xcprivacy files.' (Of course, the added xcframework is already included in the TestApp target.)

If you know the solution, please help me out.

Answered by zhanghulk in 772129022

@PhilipChung i solved my problem:“For the privacy report to appear, you need to embed the framework, which contains the privacy manifest file. ” Hi, @YuusukeIekushi have you embed your framwork in your testApp ?

Also facing this issue. I created an xcprivacy file for the sample app and it only pulls in it's own data, nothing from a third part

I also faced similar issue. In my project settings, "Frameworks, Libraries, and Embedded Content" for XCFramework is set as Do Not Embed. When I change it to Embed & Sign, privacy report contains frameworks info as well.

@PhilipChung Did you add appropriate targets to the PrivacyInfo.xcprivacy file?

I fixed the same error by doing so. Hope it helps.

Accepted Answer

@PhilipChung i solved my problem:“For the privacy report to appear, you need to embed the framework, which contains the privacy manifest file. ” Hi, @YuusukeIekushi have you embed your framwork in your testApp ?

This works well for me

The generated privacy report only includes nutrition labels from dynamics libraries and SDK resource bundle. If the privacy manifest file is in a static library instead of in a associated bundle, then the privacy report generator is not able to find it.

If the 3rd party SDK is integrated as source code and its privacy manifest is not in a bundle, then the SDK privacy manifest might overwrite the app privacy manifest in the product app package.

In my app, the 3rd party SDK (SDWebImage) is installed via Pods, SDWebImage it self includes a PrivacyInfo.xcprivacy, but when archiving the app, SDWebImage's privacy info is not shown in the PDF, only the app's PrivacyInfo is shown. How to solve this issue?

It seems in order to include the privacy manifest of static framework to generate the privacy report, Xcode setting for the static framework should be 'embedded but not signed'. Can Apple Support team confirm this case ?

Third-party SDK's privacy report are not shown when 'Generate Privacy Report' button tapped.