c++ NS::Application please help me aim at a total loss

hi all, so I have followed this on how to set up a metal c++ project in Xcode: https://developer.apple.com/metal/cpp/

i have also downloaded the learn apple cpp examples: https://developer.apple.com/metal/LearnMetalCPP.zip

To get to a point of basic fundamental knowledge of how it works I've tried to go through the process of creating a basic window in the same way that its done in these examples, I can't how ever not get Xcode to recognize evin the basic NS::Application component. Do anyone know what I am doing wrong, and also is there a source somewhere with some kind of basic examples online. I do not have to be c++

Ive added a screenshot of Xcode not recognizing NS::Application evinthrough I have followed project guide at the top.

thank you so much for looking at this :)

Hi! So, actually you need to include the AppKit header file from metal-cpp-extensions, contained in the samples.

Apple is asking to download the metal-cpp folder, but AppKit, UiKit, ... is contained into another folder.

Please check this link: https://developer.apple.com/metal/sample-code/ Get into "Learn Metal with C++", download the sample, and you will have a folder called "metal-cpp-extension". Put it as metal-cpp in your Project > Build Settings, and Xcode will do the rest :)

c++ NS::Application please help me aim at a total loss