ROOT data analysis by CERN

Hi everybody, I need you support.

I've started using ROOT, a CERN developed program. What I have to do is just to write some programs and then make them compile with some ROOT libraries. The problem is that when I compile Xcode can't find the ROOT libraries. I think that happens because the ROOT libraries aren't in the Xcode standard libraries directory. Does someone know how to avoid the problem? It would be awesome if someone of you already uses ROOT. Thank you very much!!


Hi j.motta1,

probably you have already figured it out, but what you need to do is to tell Xcode where to look for libraries. Assuming you already have ROOT installed:

1) type in the terminal "root-config --cflags" and paste the output in YourProject -> Build Settings -> Other C Flags,

2) type "root-config --libs" and paste the output in YourProject -> Build Settings -> Other Linker Flags.


SOLVED: You can find the answer in the following link: (ROOT Cern in Xcode)[]

  • SOLVED: You can find the answer in the following link: (ROOT Cern in Xcode)[] - link updated.

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SOLVED: You can find the answer in the following link: (ROOT Cern in Xcode)[ ]- link updated