iOS Geolocation updates stop after 5 hours

@Gualtier Malde, My app has not been able to send location updates in the background past 5hrs even after implementing all the changes you specified

The debugger spits out nothing ....

  • allowsBackgroundLocationUpdates must be set to TRUE
  • distanceFilter must not be set
  • desiredAccuracy must be kCLLocationAccuracyHundredMeters or better. If you’re using numeric values, it must be set to less than 1000 meters (We set it to 100m)

We have been losing hundreds of enterprise clients as a result of this, is there something we can do to ensure the behaviour is similar or same to iOS <16.4?


Making the changes specified here IS the way to get the background location updates behavior back to the way it was before iOS 16.4 In any case, if the root cause had beed that, you would have seen the issue long before 5 hours.

You may want to investigate the issue to being possibly elsewhere. If the app is stopping constantly after 5 hours, then the issue likely is being triggered by app behavior. It is hard to guess what it might be with no other information.