iOS LiveActivityIntent can not find in TestFlight

hi, all

I'm in the process of adapting a new feature to my live activity, which allows users to interact directly with the live activity using button(intent), without having to jump to the app.

I've implemented an intent using LiveActivityIntent, the intent code is included in the main app and widget target, and all the functionality and logic works perfectly in the debug mode.

After I submitted it to testflight in release mode and installed it on the real machine, I tested the above functionality and found that it doesn't work. I checked the logs of the phone and found that there is a similar error in the console

Could not find an intent with identifier xxxxxIntent, mangledTypeName: Optional("xxxxxV"), the TypeName in the last part of the log has one more "V" than my real code, and I made sure that there is no such V in the code.


@blacksun did you figure out a solution for this? I'm getting the same error when using an iOS 17 Intent Extension, iOS 17 Widget Extension, but iOS 16 App Target.

  • Anything update? I got same problem.

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