I write iOS plug in to integrate MetalFX Spatial Upscaling to Unity URP project.
C# Code in Unity: namespace UnityEngine.Rendering.Universal { /// <summary> /// Renders the post-processing effect stack. /// </summary> internal class PostProcessPass : ScriptableRenderPass { RenderTexture _dstRT = null; [DllImport ("__Internal")] private static extern void MetalFX_SpatialScaling (IntPtr srcTexture, IntPtr dstTexture, IntPtr outTexture); } }
void RenderFinalPass(CommandBuffer cmd, ref RenderingData renderingData) { // ...... case ImageUpscalingFilter.MetalFX: { var upscaleRtDesc = tempRtDesc; upscaleRtDesc.width = cameraData.pixelWidth; upscaleRtDesc.height = cameraData.pixelHeight;
RenderingUtils.ReAllocateIfNeeded(ref m_UpscaledTarget, upscaleRtDesc, FilterMode.Point, TextureWrapMode.Clamp, name: "_UpscaledTexture");
var metalfxInputSize = new Vector2(cameraData.cameraTargetDescriptor.width, cameraData.cameraTargetDescriptor.height);
if (_dstRT == null)
_dstRT = new RenderTexture(upscaleRtDesc.width, upscaleRtDesc.height, 0, RenderTextureFormat.ARGB32);
// call native plugin
cmd.SetRenderTarget(m_UpscaledTarget, RenderBufferLoadAction.DontCare, RenderBufferStoreAction.Store, RenderBufferLoadAction.DontCare, RenderBufferStoreAction.DontCare);
MetalFX_SpatialScaling(sourceTex.rt.GetNativeTexturePtr(), m_UpscaledTarget.rt.GetNativeTexturePtr(), _dstRT.GetNativeTexturePtr());
Graphics.CopyTexture(_dstRT, m_UpscaledTarget.rt);
sourceTex = m_UpscaledTarget;
PostProcessUtils.SetSourceSize(cmd, upscaleRtDesc);
// .....
Objective-c Code in iOS: head file: #import <Foundation/Foundation.h> #import <MetalFX/MTLFXSpatialScaler.h>
@protocol MTLTexture; @protocol MTLDevice;
API_AVAILABLE(ios(16.0)) @interface MetalFXDelegate : NSObject { int mode; id<MTLDevice> _device; id <MTLCommandQueue> _commandQueue; id <MTLTexture> _outTexture; id <MTLFXSpatialScaler> _mfxSpatialScaler; id <MTLBlitCommandEncoder> _mfxSpatialEncoder; };
- (void)SpatialScaling: (MTLTextureRef) srcTexture dstTexure: (MTLTextureRef) dstTexture outTexure: (MTLTextureRef) outTexture;
- (void)saveTexturePNG: (MTLTextureRef) texture url: (CFURLRef) url; @end
m file:
#import "MetalFXOC.h"
@implementation MetalFXDelegate
- (id)init
{ self = [super init]; return self; }
static MetalFXDelegate* delegateObject = nil;
(void)SpatialScaling: (MTLTextureRef) srcTexture dstTexture: (MTLTextureRef) dstTexture outTexture: (MTLTextureRef) outTexture { int width = (int)srcTexture.width; int height = (int)srcTexture.height; int dstWidth = (int)dstTexture.width; int dstHeight = (int)dstTexture.height;
if (_mfxSpatialScaler == nil) { MTLFXSpatialScalerDescriptor* desc; desc = [[MTLFXSpatialScalerDescriptor alloc]init]; desc.inputWidth = width; desc.inputHeight = height; desc.outputWidth = dstWidth; ///_screenWidth desc.outputHeight = dstHeight; ///_screenHeight desc.colorTextureFormat = srcTexture.pixelFormat; desc.outputTextureFormat = dstTexture.pixelFormat; if (@available(iOS 16.0, *)) { desc.colorProcessingMode = MTLFXSpatialScalerColorProcessingModePerceptual; } else { // Fallback on earlier versions }
_device = MTLCreateSystemDefaultDevice(); _mfxSpatialScaler = [desc newSpatialScalerWithDevice:_device]; if (_mfxSpatialScaler == nil) { return; } _commandQueue = [_device newCommandQueue]; MTLTextureDescriptor *texdesc = [[MTLTextureDescriptor alloc] init]; texdesc.width = (int)dstTexture.width; texdesc.height = (int)dstTexture.height; texdesc.storageMode = MTLStorageModePrivate; texdesc.usage = MTLTextureUsageRenderTarget | MTLTextureUsageShaderRead | MTLTextureUsageShaderWrite; texdesc.pixelFormat = dstTexture.pixelFormat; _outTexture = [_device newTextureWithDescriptor:texdesc];
id <MTLCommandBuffer> upscaleCommandBuffer = [_commandQueue commandBuffer]; upscaleCommandBuffer.label = @"Upscale Command Buffer";
_mfxSpatialScaler.colorTexture = srcTexture; _mfxSpatialScaler.outputTexture = _outTexture; [_mfxSpatialScaler encodeToCommandBuffer:upscaleCommandBuffer];
// outTexture = _outTexture; id <MTLCommandBuffer> textureCommandBuffer = [_commandQueue commandBuffer]; id <MTLBlitCommandEncoder> _mfxSpatialEncoder =[textureCommandBuffer blitCommandEncoder];
[_mfxSpatialEncoder copyFromTexture:_outTexture toTexture:outTexture]; [_mfxSpatialEncoder endEncoding]; [upscaleCommandBuffer commit];
extern "C" { void MetalFX_SpatialScaling(void* srcTexturePtr, void* dstTexturePtr, void* outTexturePtr) {
if (delegateObject == nil) {
if (@available(iOS 16.0, *)) {
delegateObject = [[MetalFXDelegate alloc] init];
} else {
// Fallback on earlier versions
if (srcTexturePtr == nil || dstTexturePtr == nil || outTexturePtr == nil) {
id<MTLTexture> srcTexture = (__bridge id<MTLTexture>)(void *)srcTexturePtr;
id<MTLTexture> dstTexture = (__bridge id<MTLTexture>)(void *)dstTexturePtr;
id<MTLTexture> outTexture = (__bridge id<MTLTexture>)(void *)outTexturePtr;
if (@available(iOS 16.0, *)) {
[delegateObject SpatialScaling: srcTexture
dstTexture: dstTexture
outTexture: outTexture];
} else {
// Fallback on earlier versions
With the C# and objective code, the appear on screen is black. If I save the MTLTexture to PNG in ios plug in, the PNG is ok(not black), so I think the outTexture: outTexture write to unity is failed.