New AirDrop experience in iOS 17 not working with "activityItemsConfiguration" in UIKit

Hi, I noticed that setting an array with a URL in it to the "activityItemsConfiguration" property of a UIViewController does not seem to trigger this UX.

I've tried:

  • Without app installed
  • With app installed
  • Without contact in destination device (NameDrop interference, etc.)
  • With contact in destination device

Every time, it always just shows NameDrop after the animation, which is annoying because it's not the expected UX. And yet, if you say "Hey Siri, share this" it works albeit with more steps.

How is this supposed to work? 🤔 Tested on devices all running iOS 17.0.2! Also filed FB31823717.

The activityItemsConfiguration API only works if both devices are "known" contacts. If you see the NameDrop UI, it means they are not. Try with 2 devices that know each-other.

New AirDrop experience in iOS 17 not working with "activityItemsConfiguration" in UIKit