Navigation bar not shown in Supplementary view of a UISplitView in macOS Sonoma

I've run into a problem that has been giving me fits for a while and have yet to be able to find a solution. We have a Catalyst app that uses a three-pane UISplitView. The middle and third panes show the navigation bar of the UINavigationController hosted in each pane.

However, when building under Xcode 15, the navigation bar is not shown in the middle pane when running under macOS 14. It is shown, as expected, when the app is run under prior versions of macOS. It also appears as it should under macOS 14 if the app is built with Xcode 14.

If you push another view controller onto the navigation controller's stack with the animate flag set to true, the navigation bar will appear. When you go back to the root controller, the navigation bar is present as it should be. However, if you push the controller with the animate flag set to false, the navigation bar does not appear.

I've been able to reproduce this in an isolated test app with just the relevant components. The first screenshot at the end is from a test app that illustrates the problem. The second screenshot shows what it should look like (and does look like under macOS 13).

It should be noted that UINavigationBar.appearance().preferredBehavioralStyle = .pad is set.

If any Apple folk would kindly like to look into this, I created a feedback for it: FB13260893. The feedback entry has a sample app, screenshots, and even a screen recording demonstrating the problem.

Has anyone else run into this or does anyone have any suggestions for a fix/workaround?



Yes, I ran into the same problem but do not have a solution yet, unfortunately.

I never heard anything back from Apple on the feedback and wasn't able to find a work around, so I wound up writing my split view host that I used instead of UISplitViewController.

This and a number of other regressions that have gone unfixed make me question whether Apple is putting any effort into Catalyst.

Navigation bar not shown in Supplementary view of a UISplitView in macOS Sonoma