WKWebView stops responding when navigating to simple web page that contains external JavaScript

The WKWebView in my application runs flawlessly and executes all the JavaScript of the websites visited.

However, if I call up a very simple web page that contains nothing more than a text and a reference to the external JavaScript file "https://code.jquery.com/jquery-3.7.1.min.js", which is nothing unusual, then the WKWebView freezes and no longer responds.

The NSAllowArbitaryLoads in Info.plist is set to true.

I have checked all configarations and all callbacks of WKNavigationDelegate, but found no way to allow or disallow the external JavaScript.

If in my test the JavaScript is loaded from the same server, it works.

This is just a test to reproduce the error. I cannot influence the website that I actually want to display in WKWebView.

WKWebView stops responding when navigating to simple web page that contains external JavaScript