Show Table in SwiftUI Playground

I am trying to generate a simple playground to display Table structure with several TableColumns. Basically, generated a new blank playground; add import statements for SwiftUI and PlayGround support; add structure for content view and a statement for invoking that view as:


In general, all of the view components work as expected EXCEPT for the table structure which does not display anything. Its basic structure is:

Table(rows, selection: $selRow) {
                TableColumn("ID") {Text(String($}
                TableColumn("Name", value: \.nt)

where "rows" is an array of the structure TRow:

struct TRow : Identifiable {
    var id:Int
    var num:Int
    var nt:String

Is there some special trick to allowing a SwiftUI Table to be displayed in Playground?

Never mind; when I added .frame to the table it displays.

Show Table in SwiftUI Playground