Workouts created with SingleGoalWorkout do not have a display name, as opposed to workouts created with CustomWorkout. Why is that?

With CustomWorkout, I can assign a name (displayName) to workouts, which also appears in the Workout app. Unfortunately, this parameter is missing for common workouts such as SingleGoalWorkout. Is there a reason for this? I find it inconvenient when the name is missing

CustomWorkout init(activity: HKWorkoutActivityType, location: HKWorkoutSessionLocationType, displayName: String?, warmup: WorkoutStep?, blocks: [IntervalBlock], cooldown: WorkoutStep?)

SingleGoalWorkout init(activity: HKWorkoutActivityType, location: HKWorkoutSessionLocationType, swimmingLocation: HKWorkoutSwimmingLocationType, goal: WorkoutGoal)

Workouts created with SingleGoalWorkout do not have a display name, as opposed to workouts created with CustomWorkout. Why is that?