Is it possible to separate WatchApp from its companion iOS App to a different project and remain connectible?

In Android, you can separate a mobile app and a wearable app into different projects and still enable communication by setting the same applicationId in both project's build.gradle.kts files.

Thus, one may upload mobile app and wearable app into google store separately, and yet be able to receive/send messages with each other.

Is there a similar approach available for iOS and watchOS apps?

I tried separating the watchOS app into a new project and setting its WKCompanionAppBundleIdentifier to the original iOS app's Bundle Identifier.

But I'm still encountering errors as below:

WCSession counterpart app not installed


Am I missing something, or is this approach not feasible on iOS/watchOS?

Also, if it is not feasible, I would like to know why such approach is available on Android, but not on iOS.

If it is feasible, correction for my approach, or introduction of a new approach would be greatly appreciated.

No, it is not possible.

@MobileTen Thank you for a concise answer!! If possible, additional information explaining the reason would be appreciated :)

Is it possible to separate WatchApp from its companion iOS App to a different project and remain connectible?