How do I submit an UPDATE for my Sticker Pack in xCode 15??

I have 5 sticker packs in the App Store. I had an older Mac and it finally was too old for more MacOS updates and therefore too old to update xCode, so I haven't done any updates to my packs or looked at xCode in nearly 3 years. I FINALLY got a new Mac. I've got xCode 15 installed and with latest updates - and it looks so foreign!

Things I can't find:

Where in xCode can I change the version and build #? This used to be so obvious. I decided to start from scratch with my project. Clicked on new Sticker Pack App. Dragged in my icons and stickers and new updates I've created. When I went to archive, it says it can't because it already exists. Oh boy.

In addition to this, I'm also lost on how to put in ALT tags for accessibility. This was also super obvious in the version of xCode I was using 3 years ago - I could click on each sticker and in the right pane I could put in the words for voice over for visually impaired. Now that is gone. One of my reviews thanked me for making my sticker pack accessible. I don't want to lose that ability - but I cannot find out where the heck it's hiding. The OnDemand Resource Tags definitely aren't it - since adding info in one puts the same tags on ALL the stickers.

Whatever I did with the new project, it kept adding a version 1 to AppStore Connect. So... I opened my old project and I added my new stickers. My old version was 2.6 and when I went to validate it after archiving it, it says it's 2.6 - but I want to update it to 3.0. I cannot find where it says 2.6 ANYWHERE. Where is this hiding?

I'm having similar problems using the sticker pack template in Xcode 15.3. It seems that using the sticker template with Xcode 15.3 causes a lot of weird bugs. When I tried to create a sticker app on my old MacBook that can't update past Xcode 14, I didn't have any problems. Unfortunately, I can't release an update from Xcode 14. Sorry I couldn't be of more help. Hopefully my comment brings more attention to this issue.

The accessibility tags can be manually added to stickers by editing the JSON file that is in the same folder as the sticker. Folder: "YourStickerSet StickerPackExtension" > Stickers.xcstickers > Sticker pack.stickerpack > STICKERNAME.sticker > contents.json

YourStickerSet = whatever your app extension is named, STICKERNAME = the individual sticker's name within your sticker set.

Add the line: "accessibility-label" : "your accessibility tag goes here",

eg: (from one of my sticker sets)

"properties" : { "accessibility-label" : "Christmas card folded - caption is Merry Christmas", "filename" : "CardLandscape1.png" }

Versioning is located in Build Settings for the app and extension:

  1. In Xcode, click on one of the targets then > Build Settings > scroll down to "Versioning" >
  2. Current version = major updates
  3. Marketing version = minor updates -- I expect that is where you will see your "2.6".

(NOTE: you need to change the marketing version numbers in both targets, and make sure they are the same)

How do I submit an UPDATE for my Sticker Pack in xCode 15??