Symbol Not found - VisionKit

Hello! I'm implementing cropping an object from an image mechanism.

@MainActor static func detectObjectOnImage(image: UIImage) async throws -> UIImage {
        let analyser = ImageAnalyzer()
        let interaction = ImageAnalysisInteraction()
        let configuration = ImageAnalyzer.Configuration([.visualLookUp])
        let analysis = try await analyser.analyze(image, configuration: configuration)
        interaction.analysis = analysis
        return try await interaction.image(for: interaction.subjects)

My app supports iOS 16 and a compiler doesn't complain about the code.However when I run it on simulator with iOS 16, I'm getting "symbol not found" error on the app launch. Does anybody know what can be the issue?


Whole error text:

"dyld[38277]: Symbol not found: _$s9VisionKit13ImageAnalyzerC13AnalysisTypesV12visualLookUpAEvgZ
  Referenced from: <E3213FE9-2686-387F-8D23-55B918A290B0> /Users/olgikrolik/Library/Developer/CoreSimulator/Devices/2C5A8A63-16A7-4682-BA80-0147DEC2A789/data/Containers/Bundle/Application/95839BE7-9AFF-4372-BD6E-608C9F11F9FD/
  Expected in:     <3B040F6E-DA05-3024-9109-B4DB221327E7> /Library/Developer/CoreSimulator/Volumes/iOS_20C52/Library/Developer/CoreSimulator/Profiles/Runtimes/iOS 16.2.simruntime/Contents/Resources/RuntimeRoot/System/Library/Frameworks/VisionKit.framework/VisionKit"

.visualLookUp is only available on macOS 14+.

.visualLookUp is only available on iOS 17.0+.

So when you target iOS 16.0, the symbol is undefined in the runtime of the device running iOS 16, but it will be present if you run the simulator at iOS 17 and higher.

You might want to look at

  • Thank you @MobileTen! Do you have any clue why xcode let compile the app that is targeting iOS 16.0 without any errors? It should force adding @available(iOS 17.0) annotation. In VisionKit's interface, whole ** ImageAnalyzer ** is available for iOS 16.0 including AnalysisTypes that include .visualLookUp. Do you think that VisionKit's interface is missing available iOS 17 annotation for .visualLookUp?

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