RoomPlan- Getting error for ceiling Height and floor Height from CapturedRoom.

RoomPlan- Getting error for ceiling Height and floor Height from CapturedRoom.

I am using RoomPlan version-2 Framework to scan houses. I need ceilingHeight and floorHeight. I am parsing the data of CapturedRoom successfully into Json and getting all keys and their value except "coreModel" of type: (RSFloorPlan) value.

Does Apple support coreModel: RSFloorPlan yet?

In "coreModel" key, there are some keys values of ceilingHeight and floorHeight. In the last I am getting encoded string as value of key "coreModel".

CoreModel: qkgdxIDMaicOkpwW1I/h/V4C.........................7nCom3Lpu0CM=

I will really appreciate your hard work.


CoreModel seems to be some sort of binary data... I am not seeing anything human readable there...

To answer your question... there is no ceiling in CapturedRoom. If you want ceiling height, you should look at wall's dimension.y. As for floor height... not sure why you need that... >.< Your standard floor thickness can be googled...

Thanks @bambamyi for your suggestion. Actually we are already using wall's height to get ceiling height but in few cases where ceiling is slanted/ hut type ( /\ ), at that point actual ceiling height is different than wall's height (.y). In coreModel at run time, we are getting exact variable name with ceiling height and its value, you can check while scanning, put breakpoint and explore CapturedRoom model.