Trivial Application deployed to Mavericks fails to open window.

It's my understanding I should be able build an application written in Swift using Xcode 8 and deploy it to Mavericks (10.9.5). However when I create a trivial Cocoa Application setting the Deployment Target to 10.9 with Storyboard checked, the window does not appear and the menu bar is empty.

The only change made to the default project which displays and empty window is to allow Xcode to conditionally compile for 10.9 without the call to "super.viewDidLoad()" in the default ViewController.swift.

What do I need to address to make the empty test program run on 10.9 the same as it does on 10.12?

Thank you.

macOS added storyboard support in 10.10. If you want to deploy to 10.9, you’ll have to use nibs.

Note In Xcode 8.3 beta the Cocoa Application project template no longer has the option to create a non-storyboard app. You can still do it, you’ll just have to set things up by hand. If you want to avoid that complication, use Xcode 8.2.1 or earlier to create your project.

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Quinn “The Eskimo!”
Apple Developer Relations, Developer Technical Support, Core OS/Hardware

let myEmail = "eskimo" + "1" + ""

Setting up the old style NIB project is not all that hard. One nice person just outlined that for me in this thread:

At least for my small projects and folloiwng along with lessons that recipe worked out well for me.

Trivial Application deployed to Mavericks fails to open window.