How to remove delay or .onLongPress initializer of .onDrag()

I have a an exercise of taking a shuffled display of words and dragging and dropping them into the correct sequence to form a sentence.

I'm currently using .onDrag and .onDrop with a dropDelegate to perform these actions. However, in order the drag operation to start happening, the user needs to click the item for 1-2 seconds and then the drag can be performed. I would like to remove the need to long press the item before the drag or at least decrease the delay between clicking and dragging.

Has anyone found a work around for solution for this problem? I found one post where the person said the removed the magnification feature to help streamline the drag. I assume they are referring to the item you click being magnified and previewed during the drag operation of .onDrag. I cannot seem to find out how to remove that feature though or if it is even possible.

Here is a small snippet of my item with the .onDrag

    func DragArea()->some View {
        VStack(spacing: 40){
            ForEach(shuffledRows, id: \.self){row in
                    ForEach(row){item in
                            .font(.system(size: 28))
                            .padding(.vertical, 7)
                            .padding(.horizontal, item.padding)
                                RoundedRectangle(cornerRadius: 6, style: .continuous)
                                    .stroke(.black, lineWidth: 3)
                                return .init(contentsOf: URL(string:!
                            .opacity(item.isShowing ? 0 : 1)
                                RoundedRectangle(cornerRadius: 6, style: .continuous)
                                    .fill(item.isShowing ? .gray.opacity(0.25) : .clear)
                }//.frame(width: UIScreen.main.bounds.size.width - 200)

Did you find any answer to this? I have the same issue.

How to remove delay or .onLongPress initializer of .onDrag()