App Automatically Deleted from Applications Folder - OSX

I made an application in Script Editor and it works as expected. But the app seems to be getting automatically deleted at random times. For example, I made it a few days ago, tested it successfully, then went back today to look for it and it was gone. Tested this multiple times.

I bit more detail about my process:

  • I wrote the app in Script editor, exported it as an Application with run-only checked and no code signing
  • after manipulating a few things (.plist file, .icns file), I then remove extended attributes and code-sign using terminal. I have an Apple developer account that I use to code-sign:
xattr -cr <path_to_app>
codesign -s <my_developer_account> <path_to_app_bundle>
  • then I copy the app into my Applications folder and test it successfully
  • a day or more later, the app is gone (and I haven't even opened it again)

Ventura 13.1, Mac Book Pro 2021

Just to close the loop, after some testing, I believe the issue was with my certificate. I downloaded it again from the Apple developer site and ran through the same process and it appears to have worked.

So despite there being no flag when codesigning with a bad certificate, the app was seen to be from an untrusted developer and was deleted automatically.

Same happens with freshly installed Firefox and Google Chrome, so certificate problem seems unlikely.

User's directory does not seem to be a subject for this cleanup. Applications installed from AppStore are also unaffected.

Workaround: install any non App Store applications to ~/Applications instead of /Applications.

App Automatically Deleted from Applications Folder - OSX