Cant add files to ios simulator

xcode 15.2, mac m2 mini, 14.2.1 sonoma

i need a pdf file to stage my app for screen shots for the market. icloud wont sync, cant drag files to the home screen or any screen, it just does not work.

i am at the end of my rope here, i just need some screen shots, my app is approved and ready

am i wrong>? is there a way to do this or is it just broken now in the name of (lazy) security?

edit--the more i read the more i angry and frustrated i get. this is broken and will not be fixed. i need to just workaround via email. so happy my second 100 dollar developer subscription bill is coming up!

I was able to drag and drop a pdf file from Finder onto the Simulator. Once I did that, it launched the Files app and allowed me to save it to "On my iPhone" in the Files app.

I'm using Xcode 15.2 but on Ventura.

If drag and drop doesn't work for some reason, you can always host a file online and navigate to it using Safari on the Simulator. Safari should allow you to download the file and save it to the Files app.

Cant add files to ios simulator