Model3D Not Appearing in Simulator

Anyone else having issues where you can see your 3D models in Xcode preview but when running simulator all you see is the progress view spinner? Below is my Model3D load that I can see in preview but in simulator it only shows the spinner. Any suggestions?

import RealityKit

struct Three_D_Ad: View {
    var body: some View {
        VStack {
        Text("Fender Stratocaster")
        Text("Legendary Sound")
        Model3D(named: "Fender") { model in
        } placeholder: {

#Preview {
Answered by DTS Engineer in 781253022

Hello @meta_merritt,

I have a feeling that you don't have a "Fender" resource in your main bundle. If Model3D cannot find the resource, it won't progress beyond the provided placeholder view. Try specifying the bundle that the resource resides in, for example:

Model3D(named: "Fender", bundle: realityKitContentBundle)
Accepted Answer

Hello @meta_merritt,

I have a feeling that you don't have a "Fender" resource in your main bundle. If Model3D cannot find the resource, it won't progress beyond the provided placeholder view. Try specifying the bundle that the resource resides in, for example:

Model3D(named: "Fender", bundle: realityKitContentBundle)

@gchiste You're amazing :)

That's the piece I was missing. You're more helpful than code level support from Apple that I pay for!

May I get your email and pay you for more questions I will have in my visionOS app development journey?

Thank you again

Model3D Not Appearing in Simulator