RealityKit - Change Material Color or other properties in RealityView

In a RealityView, I have scene loaded from Reality Composer Pro. The entity I'm interacting with has a PhysicallyBasedMaterial with a diffuse color. I want to change that color when on long press. I can get the entity and even get a reference to the material, but I can't seem to change anything about it.

What is the best way to change the color of a material at runtime?

    var longPress: some Gesture {
        LongPressGesture(minimumDuration: 0.5)
            .onEnded { value in
                value.entity.position.y = value.entity.position.y + 0.01
                if var shadow = value.entity.components[GroundingShadowComponent.self] {
                    shadow.castsShadow = true
                if let model = value.entity.components[ModelComponent.self] {
                    print("material", model)
                    if let mat = model.materials.first {
                        print("material", mat)
                        // I have a material here but I can't set any properties?
                        // mat.diffuseColor  does not exist


Here is the full code

struct Lab5026: View {

    var body: some View {
        RealityView { content in

            if let root = try? await Entity(named: "GestureLab", in: realityKitContentBundle) {
                root.position = [0, -0.45, 0]

                if let subject = root.findEntity(named: "Cube") {
                    subject.components.set(GroundingShadowComponent(castsShadow: false))


        .gesture(longPress.sequenced(before: dragGesture))


    var longPress: some Gesture {
        LongPressGesture(minimumDuration: 0.5)
            .onEnded { value in
                value.entity.position.y = value.entity.position.y + 0.01
                if var shadow = value.entity.components[GroundingShadowComponent.self] {
                    shadow.castsShadow = true
                if let model = value.entity.components[ModelComponent.self] {
                    print("material", model)
                    if let mat = model.materials.first {
                        print("material", mat)
                        // I have a material here but I can't set any properties?
                        // mat.diffuseColor  does not exist
//                        PhysicallyBasedMaterial


    var dragGesture: some Gesture {
            .onChanged { value in

                let newPostion = value.convert(value.location3D, from: .global, to: value.entity.parent!)

                let limit: Float = 0.175
                value.entity.position.x = min(max(newPostion.x, -limit), limit)
                value.entity.position.z = min(max(newPostion.z, -limit), limit)

            .onEnded { value in
                value.entity.position.y = value.entity.position.y - 0.01

                if var shadow = value.entity.components[GroundingShadowComponent.self] {
                    shadow.castsShadow = false

Answered by Vision Pro Engineer in 782536022

ModelComponent.materials returns [any Material]. To access properties specific to PhysicallyBasedMaterial safely cast Material to PhysicallyBasedMaterial.

struct ImmersiveView: View {
    var body: some View {
        RealityView { content in
            if let scene = try? await Entity(named: "Immersive", in: realityKitContentBundle) {
                if let cube = scene.findEntity(named: "Cube"),
                   var model = cube.components[ModelComponent.self],
                   var material = model.materials.first as? PhysicallyBasedMaterial {
                    material.baseColor.tint = .green
                    model.materials = [material]

Accepted Answer

ModelComponent.materials returns [any Material]. To access properties specific to PhysicallyBasedMaterial safely cast Material to PhysicallyBasedMaterial.

struct ImmersiveView: View {
    var body: some View {
        RealityView { content in
            if let scene = try? await Entity(named: "Immersive", in: realityKitContentBundle) {
                if let cube = scene.findEntity(named: "Cube"),
                   var model = cube.components[ModelComponent.self],
                   var material = model.materials.first as? PhysicallyBasedMaterial {
                    material.baseColor.tint = .green
                    model.materials = [material]


@Vision Pro Engineer thanks for this, it helped a lot! For me and maybe it's because I was using a primitive from Reality Composer Pro, my entity's structure was a bit different:

  ⟐ SynchronizationComponent
  ⟐ CollisionComponent
  ⟐ InputTargetComponent
  ⟐ Transform
  ▿ 'usdPrimitiveAxis' : ModelEntity
    ⟐ SynchronizationComponent
    ⟐ ModelComponent
    ⟐ Transform

So to get the model component I would have used:

var model = cube.children.first?.components[ModelComponent.self]

or also use this to get the index:

let index = cube.children.firstIndex(where: { $ == "usdPrimitiveAxis"})

and then use that to get the reference from the children set

RealityKit - Change Material Color or other properties in RealityView