[ApplePayJS]How to display merchant's logo in the payment authorization screen ?


This is an image better explaining my question:


1. I wonder - where is the merchant's logo taken from when displaying the payment authorization screen ?

2. This text is taken from the label that you pass in the total I guess ?

total : { label : 'shop.lululemon.com', amount : '1' }
Answered by SCDev in 219296022

I have found the documentation here:


under the Provide your website icon for the payment sheet section.

Accepted Answer

I have found the documentation here:


under the Provide your website icon for the payment sheet section.

To clarify for future searchers: Your site's favicon is used. There is currently no method of manually setting the icon/logo.

Hi there,

I'm able to see our favicon when viewing our site's bookmark on mobile. But it doesn't show up in the mobile payment authorization screen and anybody has encountered this issue. The following is the snippet of code that we've implemented:

<link rel="apple-touch-icon" href="/on/demandware.static/Sites-Aritzia_CA-Site/-/default/dw97c3bc4b/images/Aritzia_Favicon_57x57.png">

<link rel="apple-touch-icon" sizes="72x72" href="/on/demandware.static/Sites-Aritzia_CA-Site/-/default/dw29e7a209/images/Aritzia_Favicon_72x72.png">

<link rel="apple-touch-icon" sizes="114x114" href="/on/demandware.static/Sites-Aritzia_CA-Site/-/default/dw61658bb7/images/Aritzia_Favicon_114x114.png">

[ApplePayJS]How to display merchant's logo in the payment authorization screen ?