WKWebView "showLockdownModeFirstUseMessage" delegate

How exactly am I supposed to implement the following delegate method of WKWebView?

func webView(_ webView: WKWebView, showLockdownModeFirstUseMessage message: String, completionHandler: @escaping (WKDialogResult) -> Void)

The problem: the delegate method is defined to be available since iOS 13. But "WKDialogResult" in the completion handler is declared to be available since iOS 16.

So this is already very odd and probably a bug in the API declaration.

When I make the delegate method available since iOS 16 (via @available (iOS 16.0,*)) then Xcode gives me an error stating that this method must be provides for iOS 14 and later. But when it is made available since iOS 14 (or 13), then I get the error that WKDialogResult is only available since iOS 16.

So this looks like a big messy bug in the API declaration, or did I miss something here?

It would not the first bug in the API declaration of the WKWebView where the availability is wrong (for example the property "upgradeKnownHostsToHTTPS" is declared to available since iOS 14.5, but in reality it is only available since iOS 16 and would crash when used under iOS 14.5)

WKWebView "showLockdownModeFirstUseMessage" delegate