The archive does not contain any `PrivacyInfo.xcprivacy` files.

When you generate privacy report for your app and meet the following issue, you should check two things.

  1. Check if you add your PrivacyInfo.xcprivacy into Target Membership.

  1. Check if Installation Directory is /Applications, on my side I can't gererate report if I change it to other path or other name with xcode 15.3(15E204a). It must be /Applications.

I know /Applications means LOCAL_APPS_DIR or SYSTEM_APPS_DIR, but I want to use USER_APPS_DIR = $(HOME)/Applications or any path I write into Installation Directory. What should I do to make the generate tool follow my personal Installation Directory?

And how to use command line to generate this report?

It duplicates with and

The archive does not contain any `PrivacyInfo.xcprivacy` files.